“Write while the heat is in you. The writer who postpones the recording of his thoughts uses an iron which has cooled to burn a hole with. He cannot inflame the minds of his audience.”
Are you passionate about reading and writing? Then we will like to hear from you. Please send us your work. We are always hoping to receive well-written contributions.
Before you send anything, please make sure you follow our guidelines.
1. Submit your work as an MS Word attachment to creativewritingnews@gmail.com.
2. We accept book reviews, creative non-fiction (about creative writing, literary events, or the writing life), book reviews, essays on writing, literary commentaries, writing tips, and articles on creative writing. We do not accept prose fiction and poetry.
3. Please do not send previously published works.
4. Let us know if you work is a simultaneous submission. And be gracious enough to email us when the work has been accepted by another publication.
5. Word count: all submissions must not be less than 750 words. Articles over 2900 words are fine too..
6. If you’re sending a sponsored post or a guest post article that might include backlinks, please send a query alongside your submission.
Don’t forget to include a short bio.
Writers are often upset by rejections, so I try to avoid sending those. However, you’ll leave me no choice if:
• Your work is poorly edited, and riddled with grammatical, punctuation, and syntactical errors.
• Your piece will not help budding or professional writers or literary enthusiasts.
For now, we cannot afford to pay any emoluments, but we will give all writers credit for their work and we will publicize everything we publish.
Send other enquiries to creativewritingnews{at}gmail.com.
Photo credit: Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash