Writing Space: (Definition + Benefits + Successful Writers Who Had A Creative Corner)
Where do you write when you want to be very productive? And how necessary is it for writers to have a ‘write space’, so to speak? A growing body of evidence shows that your environment can influence your creativity and output. Finding an excellent creative corner or writing space is, therefore, very important.
In this article, Sobia Hadi will explore the topic of ”places to write” as well as answer the question where do you write? and how can one create an inspiring personal writing space.’
Sobia Hadi also shares apt definitions of creative corners and writing spaces, she also tells us why every writer needs a writing space and a creative corner. Also included herein are examples of successful and famous writers who prioritized finding space to write.
Ready to learn more about creative corners and to get some personal writing space ideas? Keep reading.
The Correlation Between Creative Writing And The Personal Writing Space.
Writing, as an art, a discipline, a science. Writers draws inspiration from their most personal experiences and deepest emotions to create beautiful work.
And it only makes sense that such a subtle and expressive art form is also, in some way, influenced by the location—the writing space—in which it takes form..The write space or the creative corner often affects the mood of the author.
However, the writing space can also kindle the spark of inspiration in the writer. In other words, the writer can draw some direct inspiration from their surroundings.
How Effective Is An Inspirational Writing Space?
Creativity researchers suggest that social environments have a huge influence on how creative we are.
There is, also, a growing body of research to show that physical workspaces can also affect your productivity and creativity.

A great many writers I have spoken to have a little creative corner, or a writing space. In film and novels, these creative corners feature:
- romantic sunsets overlooking the sea,
- a quaint little cottage overlooking the woods,
- alpine-scented writing retreat.
Sometimes, these creative corners are tiny spaces, barely enough to fit in a writing desk and chair. Other times, the writing space is high up on the mountain where it is just the writer and the raw inspiration of nature and beauty.
Of course, in real life that’s more the exception than the norm. (Although, if that *does* happen to be where you write your daily musings, then you’re very lucky indeed!).
However, you can only have access to these alpine-scented writers’ cottages or any other ideal writing space at well-funded writers’ residency program. But even then, these programs only last for a short time. To stay creative, you have to create your own personal writing space.
Ideas For Creating Your Ideal Personal Writing Space or Creative Corner.
Below are some ideas for creating your ideal writing space .
Home Garden.
Your writing space may be a quiet attic room in your home, or a writing desk situated in a shed at the end of your garden..

Carve A Writing Space In Your Local Library.
Every library has a corner for its visitors. You can find and carve a creative corner in a local library surrounded by the names of the literary greats

Select A Creative Corner In Your Favorite Coffee Shop.
Or maybe you go for an early morning stroll, writing materials under your arm, to drink some coffee at your favourite coffee shop while you jot down notes and ideas, drawing inspiration from passers-by going about their day-to-day activities.

En Route To Work (Taxi, Train, or Car).
Maybe your creative corner is when you sit on the train on your daily commute to work, and for a few moments immerse yourself in what you love doing most.

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Tips For Choosing Places To Write.
By now, you already know that a creative corner can be any ‘write space’, creative spot and place., you can write in at any time, and with anyone or completely on your own. Your writing space should be a place, where you’re most comfortable and at peace.
For me, my writing spot is at my white writing desk, leaning into my comfy chair and facing towards the window. I like to be able to glance up and look out of the window, with warm sunlight streaming onto my face as I watch people walk around on the street below.

Gorgeous writing space, isn’t it? But for a long time I asked the question most writers ask when they meet very successful authors. Where do you write? Where can I write?
The following tips will help you to overcome the problem of where to write, and to avoid the mistakes most writes make when choosing a ‘write space’.
Be Intuitive And Open To Inspiration.
The thing with creative corners, is that in most cases they’re not even consciously chosen. As writers you kind of just adopt them as that one spot where you’re most at home with your pens and your paper, or your laptops and iPads (or whatever other materials you use to write).
Be Patient: Even Charles Dicken Struggled To Find A Writing Space.
An interesting anecdote is the story of Charles Dickens and his creative corner. Believe me, you’d struggle to find any writer more iconic than Dickens, who’d written his best works on a writing desk and chair that he felt worked best for his creativity.
Yep, Charles Dickens felt his writing space was talismanic.
Such was the value of his little writing spot, that if he would be out of town for a time, he’d ensure that his writing desk and chair were also shipped out with him to accompany him on his travels, where he probably had to find another writing space and creative corner.
And, most importantly, he ensured that his writing desk and chair were there as familiar totems when he was working on his creative endeavours.
So perhaps, you should be patient as you work out what part of your writing space makes a world of difference for you.

It goes without saying, if Charles Dickens believed so strongly in the whole concept of a writing spot, there must be some merit to the idea!
Don’t Strive For Perfection In The Beginning; Even Stephen King Didn’t.
Speaking of well-known authors, one can’t forget to mention Stephen King, who probably had most the readers here looking over our shoulders at least one point in their life while reading his books or watching one of the many movie adaptations of his work.
In the early days of his career, he would lock himself away in the laundry room as he tapped away at his wife’s typewriter. In these humble surroundings he write his successful first novel Carrie, his writing desk sandwiched humbly between the washing machine and dryer.
And coming back to a point made earlier on, that a writer doesn’t need breath-taking mountain-top vistas or the moodiness of Wuthering Heights – esque moors to create spellbinding works of fiction. Even the cramped confine of a laundry room wouldn’t dampen Stephen King’s passion for writing!
Conclusion Of Creative Corner and Writing Space: How To Create One And Benefits Of Carving Out Places To Write.
And to round up this small analysis on the idea of creative corners, let’s touch on the words of E. B. White. He had no desire to seek out a place of quite contemplation and consideration – in fact he would work in the hustle and bustle of the living room of his house, the very centre of family life in any household. Once he commented,
“A writer who waits for ideal conditions under which to work will die without putting a word on paper.”
As was touched upon earlier, by and large, most writers don’t purposely seek out any specially designated or ‘inspirational’ place to write. Most writers simply make do or settle down wherever they can to create stories and poems.

Creative corners and writing spaces are often humble and unassuming. In most cases, their presence is weaved effortlessly into a writer’s everyday life to make as little impact as possible on family or work life, or day-to-day activities.
A writer shouldn’t wait for ideal conditions or the perfect inspiration. The whole essence of writing, in a way, is to draw inspiration from the most mundane aspects of life. And to create something unique out of them.
Perhaps, this is what makes creative corners so personal and unique. Writing spaces are accepted as writing spots largely for their comfort and inspiration.
Writers are usually more creative when they work from the comfort of familiar surroundings. Creatives draw inspiration from being in a favorite writing space.
How about you? Do you have a writing space. What, or where, is your creative corner or writing space?
Feel free to send pictures of your writing space with us. We’ll be glad to share it here with everyone.
Author’s Bio:
Sobia Hadi is a writer and artist based in the West Midlands, UK loves all things about creativity, literature and fine arts. She loves to go for long walks in her spare time and does an odd bit of baking on the side here and there. If you ever want to check out a portfolio of her art, it can be found here; https://www.instagram.com/
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