22 Writers Selected For The Purple Hibiscus Creative Writing Workshop
Writers all over the world have been waiting with bated breaths to see the results of the Purple Hibiscus Creative Writing Workshop 2018.
Well, the time is here. Can we get the drum rolls please? Just kidding.
First, I’d like to say congratulations to all the successful applicants. If you’re a writer who didn’t get accepted, be strong. Do not despair. Rejections are a part of a writer’s life. Even the renowned Chimamanda Adichie talked about her days as a budding writer and how she learned to develop a thick skin for rejections.
If you haven’t received the acceptance letter, please take heart. There are other amazing creative writing courses you can attend free of charge from the comfort of your homes. You can learn to write fantastic stories Ms. Adichie might accept in the next workshop season. I will talk about these opportunities at the end of the post.
Now back to the results for the Purple Hibiscus Creative Writing Workshop.

In all honesty, Ms. Adichie’s team has yet released the list of the successful applicants. CWN only heard from reliable sources that twenty-two writers were contacted. A few of them disclosed their acceptance letters on their social media pages.
It is not yet clear whether all the 22 applicants have been contacted of if more writers will be contacted in the near future. But we can safely say that writers who haven’t yet heard from the Purple Hibiscus Writing Workshop team probably didn’t make the highly-selective list. I will publish the results once it has been made public.
Coping Tips For Writers
Judging a creative work of art can be subjective. Sometimes, a well-written story will be rejected for inexplicable reasons. Literary tastes differ, Sometimes, it is all about time and chance. When your time comes, you’ll get your lucky break. Just keep working hard. Read, read, read. Write, write, write.
You can do a lot with this rejection, though. You can write about the gut-wrenching feeling or the liberating feeling. CWN will be glad to publish your pieces. See our write for us page for guidelines.
A few years ago, I experienced so much despair as a budding writer (and I still do, Back then, I was on the verge of giving up on the entire enterprise (I don’t think I’d have succeeded in giving up). I spoke to South African writer, Judy Croome and she sent me one of the most encouraging words of advice I ever received. I published it as a blog post titled, Why We Write. You might find it helpful.
The best thing to do is to enroll for the University of Iowa’s current free creative writing course. Joining a vibrant online critique group will give you plenty of room to read and write fantastic stories. I used to give creative writing courses online, but I have put that on hold. However, another writer friend of mine gives one on one mentorships. Click to learn all about this writing course.
I hope this helps. Someday, I will write and publish tips on handling rejections from editors. It’s okay to ask questions or vent in the comments section.
Photo credit: Jared Siskin /PMC