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Trampset Journal Is Accepting Literary Submissions/ How To Submit (Pay: $25)

Trampset Journal is a literary journal dedicated to showcasing short fiction, nonfiction, and poetry from diverse voices.

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through their submission guidelines, eligibility criteria, author rights, payment details, and more.


Submission Guidelines For Trampset Journal

  • Trampset accepts short fiction (including short stories, flash fiction, and excerpts from longer works), nonfiction (such as personal essays, flash cnf, and cultural criticism), and poetry.
  • Prose submissions should not exceed 3,000 words, while poetry submissions should contain no more than three poems in a single document.
  • They prefer all poetry submissions to align to the left margin and do not accept shape poetry.
  • They welcome diverse voices and styles of work, though shorter pieces tend to receive more attention.
  • They encourage writers from all backgrounds, including those outside academia, to submit their work.
  • They also accept translation submissions, provided the translator has obtained appropriate permission from the author.
  • While they welcome simultaneous submissions, they do not accept multiple submissions at once.
  • Additionally, they do not consider AI or AI-assisted submissions.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Submissions should be uploaded in a single Word document via their Submittable page.
  • They offer a permanent free submission category, as well as options for writers to tip or request a quick response for expedited feedback.

Author Rights

If your work is accepted for publication, you retain all rights. However, they ask for the right to publish it first on their website and to keep it in their archives.

Please credit trampset if the work is republished elsewhere. Contributors are requested to wait six months after publication before submitting again.


They pay $25 per accepted piece via PayPal.

Additionally, they nominate select pieces for Sundress Publications’ Best of the Net Anthology and other contests like Best Small Fictions.


There is no specific deadline for submissions. They aim to respond within 1–3 months, but responses may come sooner. Accepted pieces are published on a rolling basis, and writers are notified accordingly.

For any questions or concerns, please email them at trampset@outlook.com.



Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam

Chioma Iwunze-Ibiam writes prose fiction and creative non-fiction. She is the founder of creativewritingnews.com. Her first novella, Finding Love Again was published by Ankara Press. Her second novella, The Heiress' Bodyguard was shortlisted for the Saraba Manuscript Awards. She currently works as content marketer for various online businesses. You can follow her at @cwritingnws.

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